Thursday, June 12, 2014

Diseaseless Program Review - Heart Patients Can They Do Sexual Intercourse Safe??

1 - The few cases Severity:

* encourage the patient to engage in sexual activity and the use of all remedies which may include drugs Viagra and Levitra and Cialis without fear of complications of the condition to refrain from eating medication nitrates in each addition.

* include that class of cardiovascular disease without clinical symptoms, which owns less than 3 factors causing them such as diabetes and hypertension blood and increase bad cholesterol, smoking and obesity angina and stable high pressure Tuner and disease light or after correcting clogged arteries coronal successful surgically or after a period of 6 to 8 weeks of the injury infarction cardiac without any complications.

2 - cases of moderate-risk: those cases require checkups attack extra classified flour before allowing the patient to carry out any sexual practice.

* include that category angina moderate and get infarction my heart before the period of more than six weeks and dysfunction in the ventricle of heart left with for the failure of congestive heart and the occurrence of disorder, intermittent, non-serious heart rhythm or the presence of more than 3 factors has been the man to heart disease, as we mentioned earlier. Diseaseless Program

3 - Severe cases Severity: must Specialist heart disease scans developed for the diagnosis of flour and do therapy minute before allowing the patient to engage in sexual activity.

* include that category angina and resistance to treatment and excessive blood pressure non-Tuner and failure congestive severe heart and myocardial infarction within the past two weeks, and severe disruption and serious heart rhythm and vascular disease Moderate or severe ill obstructive to the heart muscles.

* Is protective devices to prevent heart complications during intercourse? Carry the heart of sexual intercourse depends on hoarded career that parallels usually responsiveness in terms of heart rate and blood pressure and oxygen consumption to sport.

It has been suggested Dr «Muller» and his colleagues based on a study carried out by the practice of regular exercise reduces may prevent clots heart attack during sexual intercourse due to increased cardiac reserve and the volume of blood pumped from the heart and reduce its speed as it turns out that in those cases did not happen, but Gelatin heart attacks only between 1774 infarction patients previously injured heart muscle as a result of a clot if they were able to do that exercise up to 6 average values equal to metabolic oxygen consumption (METS). Further Read Here About Us 

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